Job Alerts

Institutes who are interested in announcing research job opportunities should contact the General Secretary for conditions.

We often receive job postings, post-doc and PhD positions from the following institutions:

Featured Jobs 41

Three 4-year PhD positions open

[ At Belgian nuclear research institute (SCK•CEN) ]
Within the research group Biosphere Impact Studies of the Belgian nuclear research institute (at SCK•CEN) there are at the moment three 4-year PhD subjects open for candidates to postulate entitled: Mechanistic understanding of the response to low-dose radiation in plant differing in radiosensitivity: molecular…
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Post-doctoral position in Aquatic Ecology

[ CNRS-LEHNA, University of Lyon, France ]
We seek an aquatic ecologist with expertise in analysing the effects of multiple stressors (organic and inorganic pollution, geomorphological alterations, land use changes, water abstraction, invasive species and  pathogens) on the structural and functional biodiversity of aquatic communities in streams/rivers. The ideal candidate…
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Fulltime positions in Fukushima University

[ Institute of Environmental Radioactivity ]
The Institute of Environmental Radioactivity is inviting applications for the positions of full-time professors, associate professors, and assistant professors. The IER was established on July 1st, 2013, as an open hub for advanced research on the movement of environmental radioactivity in Fukushima Prefecture. IER is run under joint…
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Different PhD topics available at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN) has multiple PhD topics available and is looking for interested candidates. An overview of the available topics for all the scientific institutes can be found through the following link: . Within the unit…
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SREL Offers Multiple Grad Assistantships

The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) is recruiting a cohort of 7 M.S. and 5 Ph.D. level graduate students to work on various topics in the fields of radioecology, toxicology, conservation biology, and restoration ecology. Specific topic areas and faculty mentors include: Radionuclide and…
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Permanent job position for expertise group head low level radioactivity measurements

[ SCK.CEN in Belgium - Institute: Environment, Health and Safety ]
Job title : Head of Low-level Radioactivity Measurements Group (m/f) Ref : External publication - vacancy NN 2012-024 Job description : The Low-level Radioactivity Measurements Expert Group is responsible for monitoring the environment, and any staff who could come into contact with radioactive materials in nuclear facilities. Any…
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An Ing PhD is looking for a post-doc position in radioecology

[ post doc proposal and cv ]
Ján Mihalík, young scientist, seeks a post-doc position in a radioecological laboratory focused on the uptake of radionuclides into plants and radionuclide migration in soil. His previous investigation was focused on a chemical induced uranium uptake (phytoextraction). Moreover, he has already had an experience with…
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A PhD position at SKB, Sweden

[ Application deadline: 30 March 2012 ]
A SKB-hosted PhD position concerning U and Ra in the Forsmark area is available. Marie Curie Training Network - MetTrans - Metals Transport in the Environment MetTrans is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network of academic and industrial partners with a focus on outstanding issues in the migration of metals in the environment. As a…
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Job search

[ Seeking a position as a Senior Scientist ]
Brief description: seeking a position as a Senior Scientist, managing a group of radioecologists or scientists with related expertise in both theoretical studies and applications of radioecology (e.g., waste management, risk evaluation, etc.). Randall C. Morris has 20 years experience in radioecology and related fields, extensive…
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Professionals / Scientists