Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER), Fukushima University invites applications for a fixed-term, full-time project professor/project associate professor/project assistant professor.
1. Research Field
Forest Ecology and Biological Effects of Radiation (Radiation Dynamics in Forest Ecology and Radiation Effects on Animals and Plants)
Targeted research topics are described below :
- Research that contributes to the forest products utilization through the observational study on the dynamics of radiation in forest ecosystems
- Research that clarifies the material cycles of forest ecosystems through observations and analyses that take into account the chemical and physiological properties of trees or fungi that compose the ecosystems
- Research that focuses on the environmental consequences of Fukushima accident in forest ecosystems that includes:
- Direct effects of radiation on plants and animals that are occurred at the molecular to individual organism levels
- Effects of radiation on plant and animal communities arisen from the combined factors such as reduction of human activity in the evacuation areas
We invite applicants who are capable of tackling either of the above research topics, adopting new ideas and up-to-date analysis methods.
2. Class subjects you will teach
[Master’s Program]
Forest Radioactivity, Omnibus Lecture Series (Environmental Radioactivity I and II, Radioecology, Practicum in Ecological Radioactivity, Practicum/Advance Practicum in Radioactivity Science), and *Master’s Thesis Study I-III
[Doctoral Program]
Advanced Practicum in Ecological Radioactivity I and II, Special Practicum in Environmental Radioactivity I-III, and *Advanced Research on Environmental Radioactivity (Doctoral Thesis)
*shows the class subjects shall be taught by Project Professors and Project Associate Professors only.
Actual class subjects that you teach are TBD. You may be in charge of some basic educational subjects for the Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science.
3. Qualification
- Applicants must possess a doctoral degree
- Applicants must be willing to move to Fukushima City or its suburbs.
- Applicants must possess adequate research experience in research institutions, etc
4. Starting Date of Employment/Contract Term:
Earliest possible date after April 1, 2021 (to be determined in consultation)
The fixed-term contract ends on March 31, 2022 with the possibility of renewal. In principle, up to 3 years from the starting date of the employment. However it may be extended to a maximum of 5 years. This is dependent on his/her result of the annual evaluation
5. Deadline for Applications:
No later than Monday, December 28, 2020
6. Required Documents for Application (write in English)
- Curriculum Vitae (Form 1*): 1 copy
- List of research achievements (e.g. original research articles, published books, international symposia, patents, awards and other references. Please mark your five most important research articles with a circle): 1 copy
- Published books, articles, etc. marked as the most important in (2) (Photocopies accepted): 1 copy each
- List of activities in scientific societies and governmental/official committees/commissions: 1 copy
- Overview of external funds obtained for research (grants awarded): 1 copy
- Synopsis of previous research work (1300 words, no specified format): 1 copy
- Synopsis of any work related to environmental radioactivity after a nuclear accident (800 words, no specified format): 1 copy
- Research Plan (Form 2*) : 1 copy
*Forms 1 and 2 can be downloaded from our website.
All of the above documents must be submitted in both print and electronic format (Excel or Word file format is preferable) recorded on USB storage devices or CD-R/RW discs. The file name convention should be: your last name_your first name_name of document. Submitted documents will not be returned.
7. Method of Selection
Applicants will be selected thorough a screening process of the submitted application documents. If it is determined necessary, an interview will be conducted. (If the applicant is living outside of Japan, a web-based interview is possible.) Applicants will be responsible for all expenses related to the interview.
8. Address for Submitting Application
Administrators’ Office
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER)
Fukushima University
1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture
960-1296 Japan
(Please write in red ink “Application for Project Professor/Project Associate Professor/Project Assistant Professor Position (Ecology)” on the envelope and send the required documents by registered mail).
10. Contacts
Administrators’ Office
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER)
Phone: 81-24-504-2848