The Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER), Fukushima University, invites applications for fixed term,full‐time project professor/project associate professor.
- Research Field
Radiation Effects and Radioecology Plant Radioecological Effects Animal Radioecological Effects, etc.) Within the field of Environmental Radioecology research focus ing on the effects of radiation from the individual to eco system levels, which is essential to the mission of IER, includes not only the direct effects from radiation but also indirect effects such as the change in number of wild animals.
Especially in the difficult to return zone where people's entry has been restricted by the government, lack of land management led to overgrowth of plants and increase of wildlife population, which have been causing various problems.
Based on the the above, we invite apabove, we invite applicants who are capable of engaging inplicants who are capable of engaging in research research which which contributes to contributes to resolving resolving suchsuch ploblems, ploblems, capitalizing oncapitalizing on the locationthe location of Fukushima University.of Fukushima University.
- Qualification
(2) Applicants must be willing to move to Fukushima City or its suburbs.
(3) Applicants must possess adequate research experience in research institutions, etc.
(4) Applicants must be capable of teaching grad uate course subjects including Forest Radioactivity ,
omnibus lecture series (E nvironmental R adioactivity Science I, Radioecology Practicum in Ecological
Radioactivity, Practicum/Advanced Practicum in Environmental Radioactivity Science and Master’s Thesis
Study, at the Graduate School.
- Starting Date of Employment/Contract Term
- Required Documents for Application
(1) Curriculum Vitae (Form 1): 1 copy
(2) List of research achievements (e.g. original research articles, published books, international symposia, patents, awards and other references. Please mark your five most imp ortant research article s with a circle): 1 copy
(3) Published books, articles, marked as the most important in (2) (Photocopies accepted 1 copy each
(4) List of activities in scientific societies and governmental/official committees/commissions: 1 copy
(5) Overview of external funds obtained for research (grants awarded): 1 copy
(6) Synopsis of previous research work (Approx. 1600 characters in Japanese or 1300 words in English, no specified format): 1 copy
(7) Synopsis of any work related to environmental radioactivity after a nuclear accident (Approx. 1000
characters in Japanese or 800 words in English, no specified format): 1 copy
(8) Research Plan (Form 2): 1 copy
(2) List of research achievements (e.g. original research articles, published books, international symposia, patents, awards and other references. Please mark your five most imp ortant research article s with a circle): 1 copy
(3) Published books, articles, marked as the most important in (2) (Photocopies accepted 1 copy each
(4) List of activities in scientific societies and governmental/official committees/commissions: 1 copy
(5) Overview of external funds obtained for research (grants awarded): 1 copy
(6) Synopsis of previous research work (Approx. 1600 characters in Japanese or 1300 words in English, no specified format): 1 copy
(7) Synopsis of any work related to environmental radioactivity after a nuclear accident (Approx. 1000
characters in Japanese or 800 words in English, no specified format): 1 copy
(8) Research Plan (Form 2): 1 copy
Forms 1 and 2 can be downloaded from the IER website.
- Address for Submitting Application
Administrators’ Office
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER)
Fukushima University
1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture
960-1296 Japan
1 Kanayagawa, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture
960-1296 Japan
(Please write in red ink “Application for Project Professor /Project Associate Prof essor Position Radiation Effects and Radioecology)” on the envelope and send the required documents by registered mail).
- Contacts
Administrators’ Office
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER)
Phone: 81 24 504 2848
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER)
Phone: 81 24 504 2848