Job Alerts

Institutes who are interested in announcing research job opportunities should contact the General Secretary for conditions.

We often receive job postings, post-doc and PhD positions from the following institutions:

Featured Jobs 41

PhD student opportunity in Ecology - SLU, Sweden:

[ Deadline September 24, 2024 ]
PhD student in Biology, specialization in Ecology "How do warming and increased run off influence bioaccumulation of radionuclides in fish?" Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is looking for a motivated person with strong skills in community ecology and a genuine interest in learning to do research to take on a…
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2 research positions in radioecology at ERISS - Darwin, Australia

[ Applications close 12 February 2024 ]
OLD Radioecology
These position will undertake research and monitoring programs to support radiological environmental impact assessments of uranium mining and site rehabilitation in northern Australia. Research Scientist within environmental radioactivity    Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, Australia…
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Open PhD or Postdoc positions in Radioanalytical Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark

[ Application deadline: 13 November 2023 ]
The Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) is looking for a PhD student or Postdoc in radiochemical analysis of radionuclides in the environment and radioactive waste for assessing environmental risk, characterization of waste and tracing environmental processes. The candidate…
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2 Research Scientist positions

[ ERISS, Australia ]
Supervising Scientist is a specialist scientific branch within the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (Commonwealth). We are responsible for protecting the people and environment of the Alligator Rivers Region, including Kakadu National Park, from the effects of uranium mining. We conduct environmental research…
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Senior Research Scientist within environmental radioactivity

[ Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist - Darwin, Australia ]
The Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS) in Darwin, Australia invites applications for a full-time, permanent position as Senior Research Scientist in Environmental Radioactivity with specializations in either radiochemistry or radiological environmental impact assessment. Department…
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Research Scientist within environmental radioactivity

[ Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist - Darwin, Australia ]
The Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist (ERISS) in Darwin, Australia invites applications for a full-time, permanent position as Research Scientist in Environmental Radioactivity with specializations in either radiochemistry or radiological environmental impact assessment. Department of…
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Associate professor/Professor within radioecology/environmental radioactivity - Norwegian University of Life Sciences

[ Application deadline: 03.02.2021 ]
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) invites applications for a full-time, permanent position as Associate Professor/Professor in Radioecology with special responsibility for teaching and research in the areas of radioecology, radiochemistry and…
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Professor/project associate Professor at IER, Fukushima University

[ Deadline for application: No later than Monday, December 28, 2020 ]
Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (IER), Fukushima University invites applications for a fixed-term , full-time project professor/project associate professor / project assistant professor. 1. Research Field Forest Ecology and Biological Effects of Radiation (Radiation Dynamics in Forest Ecology and Radiation…
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1 R&D engineer position in Radioecology and Tracer Studies in DTU, Technical University of Denmark

[ Deadline for application: no later than 30 May 2020 ]
An R&D engineer position is open in Radioecology and Tracer Studies at the Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering (DTU Environment) is looking for a skilled and experienced R&D Engineer who will work with scientists,…
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Professionals / Scientists