Task Groups

List of documents 18

Task group on Radioecology in arid regions

[ Co-Chairs: Gabriele Voigt (gabi_voigt@yahoo.de) and Natalia Semioshkina (semioschkina@gmail.com) ]
TG completed or in termination phase
Climatic change is already happening and shows impact on the earth's environment like the melting of glaciers and the rise of the sea level. In the long term, however, despite the concrete actions that seem to be engaged following the COP 21 signature by almost 200 countries, temperature will continue to raise resulting in scarcity of…
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2d Joint IUR/CERAD Ecosystem approach Task group

[ Chair: François Bréchignac - francois.brechignac@irsn.fr – Co-Chair: Clare Bradshaw - clare.bradshaw@su.se ]
Permanent active TG
NEW: See the plenary lecture given at ICRER 2014 STATEMENT OF WORK   “Ecological risk assessment of radiation - putting the ecosystem approach into practice”   2 nd “Ecosystem approach ” IUR/CERAD* Task Group 1. Overall context In recent years,…
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"Ring of Five" Task Group

[ Chair: Olivier Masson - olivier.masson@irsn.fr ]
Permanent active TG
Overall context The "Ring of Five" ( Ro5 ) is an informal club based in Europe with the purpose of exchanging data on occasional concentrations of man-made radionuclides in the atmosphere. Back in the 1970s and early 1980s only few countries ran surveillance programs for low concentrations of man-made radionuclides in ground level…
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Ecosystem approach to environment protection

[ François Bréchignac (francois.brechignac@irsn.fr) ]
TG completed or in termination phase
  Overall context In recent years, under the notable incentive of an IUR Task Group initiated as early as 1997, the issue of the protection of the environment from ionizing radiation has evolved and is now a major topic for radioecologists. Several International Organizations (IAEA, UNSCEAR, EC, ICRP) and national…
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Radioecology in a multiple stressor environment

[ Taskgroup leader : Hildegarde Vandenhove, hvandenh@sckcen.be ]
Permanent active TG
This Task Group has a long history. It is coming forth from the Task Group launched during the IUR-SETAC Meeting on the Application of Radioecology to Other Contaminants (AROC), held in Antwerp (Belgium), February 2002. The aim was to bring together experts involved in experimental research and model development in closely related areas of…
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Radioecological sensitivity: an operational tool in federating radioecological knowledge

[ TG Leader: F. Carini, franca.carini@unicatt.it ]
TG completed or in termination phase
During the last decades, various needs have evolved concerning radioecology. The scientific needs are now requiring to take due account of uncertainties, modern techniques of spatialization, spatial and temporal variabilities, etc... The society needs require to be appropriately captured within the methodologies of risk assessment. The…
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Professionals / Scientists