In "Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis"
by Carmel Mothersill and Colin Seymour
Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Ca
This paper reviews the current understanding of low dose radiobiology, and how it has evolved from classical target theory. It highlights the…
This article is the result of discussions at a workshop held as part of the International Congress of Radiation Research (Environmental Health…
In the Fall of 2016 a workshop was held which brought together over 50 scientists from the ecological and radiological fields to discuss feasibility…
The fourth in the “Ecological risk assessment of environmental radioactivity” series of IUR-sponsored events took place in…
The third in the “Ecological risk assessment of environmental radioactivity” series of IUR-sponsored events took place in Essen Germany,…
Two complementary consultations were conducted during the last months to identify research priorities: SRA consultation and IUR consultation.…
we have actually three open positions for PhDs in the group Biopshere Impact Studies. So if you know good interested candidates please forward this email. The guidelines can be found on the following link -...
Brief description: seeking a position as a Senior Scientist, managing a group of radioecologists or scientists with related expertise in both theoretical studies and applications of radioecology (e.g., waste management, risk evaluation, etc.)....
A SKB-hosted PhD position concerning U and Ra in the Forsmark area is available. Marie Curie Training Network - MetTrans - Metals Transport in the Environment MetTrans is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network of academic and industrial...
Ján Mihalík, young scientist, seeks a post-doc position in a radioecological laboratory focused on the uptake of radionuclides into plants and radionuclide migration in soil. His previous investigation was focused on a chemical...
Post doc position in SVAT-modelling at Unit Biosphere Impact Studies of SCK-CEN. The Biosphere Impact Studies research group is looking for a PhD to work in developing a groundwater-to-plants pollutant model as part of a system to assess...
Job title : Head of Low-level Radioactivity Measurements Group (m/f) Ref : External publication - vacancy NN 2012-024 Job description : The Low-level Radioactivity Measurements Expert Group is responsible for monitoring the environment,...