Transition phase of the Board of Council
until completion of the election process, 2024
Per STRAND - PresidentNorwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) |
François BRECHIGNAC - General SecretaryBiospheric consulting |
Carmel MOTHERSILL - TreasurerMcMaster Faculty of Science |
SPECIAL OFFICERS 2023-2024 | |
Frédéric ALONZO - Increase ecological relevance in risk evaluationInstitute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) |
Kentaro ARIYOSHI - Promoting scientific developments of Fukushima wild life researchesFukushima Medical University |
Andrea BONISOLI-ALQUATI - Radioecological research and knowledge promotionCalifornia State Polytechnic University |
Shaofei CAO - Strengthen the communication between IUR, IAEA and ICRPChina Institute for Radiation Protection (CIRP) |
Tom CRESSWELL - Strengthening education and IUR outreachAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) |
Nele HOREMANS - Science and Treasurer assistantBelgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) |
Amy MACINTOSH - International Student RepresentativeMacquarie University & ANSTO, Environmental Toxicology and Radioecology |