
List of documents 29

International Scientific Conference "Radiobiology: Contemporary Issues"

[ 26–27 September 2019 - Gomel, Belarus ]
International Scientific Conference   "RADIOBIOLOGY: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES"   The Conference will take place at the Institute of Radiobiology (Gomel, Belarus) from 26 September to 27 September 2019. Key Topics Assessment of the impact from electromagnetic nonionizing radiation of various ranges on biosystems…
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DULIA-bio Workshop

[ 4-5 November 2019 - Assergi, Italy ]
The 2nd edition of the DULIA-bio Workshop will be held from November 4 to 5, 2019 at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN, Assergi, Italy. DULIA-bio is a series of meetings organized in deep underground laboratories around the world. The focus of these meetings is cross-fertilization of research in biology with the…
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Joint Meeting IUR-MODARIA II on Radioecology of Arid Regions

[ 24-26 June 2019 - Rabat, Morocco ]
A Meeting on Radioecology of Arid Regions, linked to the IUR Task Group on Radioecology in arid regions , will be held in Rabat, Morocco, from 24 to 26 June 2019. This joint meeting IUR/MODARIA II follows the previous meetings of the researchers involved in the IUR Task Group on the transfer of radionuclides in arid…
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2nd International Conference on “Environment, Survival and Sustainability”

[ 7-11 October 2019 - Near East University in Northern Cyprus, Turkey ]
ESS 2019 - 2nd International Conference on the Environment Survival and Sustainability The 1st International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability in 2007 has been completed with great success. The conference welcomed over 3,000 participants and valued contributors from 108 different countries. In total, 1,463…
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[ 8-13 September 2019 - Prague, Czech Republic ]
Environmental radioactivity Past
The International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity: Variations of Environmental Radionuclides, ENVIRA 2019, will be organized by the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and by the Czech Technical University on 8-13 September, 2019. The venue and the topics were confirmed at the closing session of the…
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IUR “Ecological risk assessment of environmental radioactivity” event series – Position paper following the 4th IUR Workshop (Stirling, Scotland, 2018) now published

[ held 21-23 June 2018 - Stirling University, Scotland ]
Environmental radioactivity Past
Low dose ionising radiation effects on the ecosphere: Are high dose and dose rate data good (enough) predictors? The 2018 workshop has been held in Stirling, Scotland, focused specifically on low doses and dose rates in the environment and on the factors which determine the shape of the dose response curve at these doses/dose…
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IUR “Ecological risk assessment of environmental radioactivity” event series – Position paper following the 3rd IUR Workshop (Essen, Germany, 2017) now published

[ held 16-17 September 2017 - Essen, Germany ]
Environmental radioactivity Past
Low dose ionising radiation effects on the ecosphere The third in the “Ecological risk assessment of environmental radioactivity” series of IUR-sponsored events took place in Essen Germany, just before the European Radiation Research Conference, September 2017. The aim of the workshop was to bring radioecologists together…
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Professionals / Scientists