
You will find below the list of events on the themes of radioecology, environmental or human risk, radioprotection...
IUR is involved in the organization of some of these events. Our Union also provides financial support to certain events to encourage the sharing of work, exchanges and the advancement of research in this field.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like us to disseminate information about your event to our members.

List of documents 84

20th World Congress Soil Science - Symposium concerning radionuclide behavior - Call for abstracts

[ 8-13 June 2014 - Jeju, Korea ]
Environmental radioactivity
Inter Divisional Symposium IDS4 - Critical issues of radionuclide behavior in soils and remediation After large scale releases of radionculides into the environment, soils act as the major medium- to long-term sink. At the same time, soil is an important source for the entrance of radionuclides into the food chain and the environment…
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INSINUME 2014 CANCELLATION - IN SItu NUclear MEtrology as a tool for radioecology

[ CANCELLATION of the 2014 edition (06‐10 OCTOBER 2014 - Uzhgorod, Ukraine) ]
Considering the different events occurring in Ukraine and the low number of registered participants, the Organizing Committee informs authors and colleagues about the decision to cancel the International Symposium (scheduled to be held on 6‐10 October 2014 in Uzhgorod city in the Institute of Electron Physics, National Academy of…
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Woods Hole Fukushima meeting

[ 9 May 2013 - Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA ]
Environmental radioactivity
  Fukushima and the Ocean - Exploring the Impacts of Radiation on the Ocean. A workshop dedicated to an examination of natural and human sources of radiation in the ocean, what was released from Fukushima, impacts on marine ecosystems and human health, public policy implications, and how information is communicated…
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MSc/PhD Course in Environmental Radiobiology

[ 24-28th June 2013 - Oslo, Norway ]
Environmental radioactivity
MSc/PhD Course organised by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) and Stockholm University, supported by DoReMi and STAR 5 ECTC accredited course open to any students and free. Course Aims and Overview The aim of the course is to give students an overview of the fundamental principles of radiobiology, but within the…
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International Symposium - 50th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection

[ 8-10 April 2013 - Brussels, Belgium ]
International Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection BVS-ABR: "Challenges for Radiological Protection for the next 50 Years". Symposium topics - The evolution of guidance and regulations in a changing society In a near future, both the European Commission and the IAEA…
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Workshop on non-lethal methods for measuring contaminant burdens in wildlife

[ 12-13 September 2012 - Jesus College, Cambridge, UK ]
Environmental stressors
Background Conventional approaches to determining contaminant burdens in animals use lethal sampling and analysis methods.  Given the ethical considerations associated with conventional sampling methods and the fact that many species are protected, there is growing international interest in the use of non-lethal methods.  …
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12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2013

[ 16-20 June 2013 - Athens, Georgia USA ]
Environmental radioactivity
Conference theme: sustainable remediation and management of contaminated sites The biennial ICOBTE Conference brings together scientists, professionals and policy makers providing a multidisciplinary arena for discussing the latest scientific developments concerning the biogeochemistry of trace elements and metalloids, analytical…
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ICRER 2014 - 3rd International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity

[ 7-12 September 2014 - Barcelona, Spain [report] ]
Environmental radioactivity
The 3 rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity has been quite successfully held in Barcelona, Spain, from 7 to 12 September 2014, with 430 participants from 46 countries. The Conference was the third International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity building on the…
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Professionals / Scientists