The NORM VIII Symposium in 2016 is the 8th event in a series starting in the Netherlands in 1997, followed by Germany in 1998, Belgium in 2001, Poland in 2004, Spain in 2007, Morocco in 2010 and China in 2013.
This Symposium spreads up from the idea to match a clearly central issue for mining, milling, oil and gas industries: the challenge of radiation protection standard requirements for industries, which activities can give rise to significantly enhanced radiation exposures that may need to be controlled by regulation.
Material giving rise to these enhanced exposures has become known as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM). The enhanced levels of radioactive isotopes of the uranium and thorium decay series in their products, sub products, residues and wastes may originate from physical and/or chemical processing where the material arising from a process may contain more radionuclides than the original raw and raw minerals.
The need to comply with regulation requirements is a challenge for NORM industries, which must comply with standards from nuclear industries in addition to the usual environmental and worker safety requirements.
NORM VIII is a chance to have an exchange of views, with the aim to enlarge knowledge about management of wastes, training of workforce, and some other topics. A multi-professional team of experts from around the world will be sharing their experiences. It intends to open a field of confrontation about practices as well International and national standards on NORM implementation.
Topics include
- International and national standards on NORM – practical implications;
- Industry specific studies – Oil and gas, Coal industry, Heavy metal processing industries;
- Occupational radiation protection in industries involving NORM;
- NORM – residue and waste managements (reuse, recycling, reduction and disposal);
- Radon and Thoron in NORM industries;
- Uranium milling and milling;
- Decommissioning and Remediation of sites;
- Transport of NORM;
- NORM Metrology (sampling, analyses and measurements);
- Environmental impact associated with NORM industries;
- Natural Radioactivity;
- Risk Communication (workers and the public).
- Contributed papers submission deadline – 18 May 2016
- Notification to authors – 18 July 2016
- Final paper submission – 18 August 2016