Inter Divisional Symposium IDS4 - Critical issues of radionuclide behavior in soils and remediation
After large scale releases of radionculides into the environment, soils act as the major medium- to long-term sink. At the same time, soil is an important source for the entrance of radionuclides into the food chain and the environment due to different transfer processes. After the accident in Chernobyl radioecology gained tremendous new insights into the radionuclide behavior in soils and research on feasible countermeasures has been conducted widely. Today, after the accident in Fukushima Daiichi, it seems to be appropriate, both to review the lessons learnt from the Chernobyl accident and to discuss the scientific results obtained investigating the effect of the radionuclide releases on soils and ecosystems in Japan. The present conference symposium welcomes papers on both topics with special emphasis on the understanding of the role of soils with respect to radionuclide mobility and countermeasures.
Keynote speakers
Dr. Brenda Howard/UK
Prof. Yasuyuki Muramatsu/Japan
Organizer(s) & Convener
- Martin. H. Gerzabek
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, A-1190, Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 47654 1001 - Fax: +43 1 47654 1005
- Kazuyuki Inubushi
Chiba University, Graduate School of Horticulture, Japan
Tel: +81-(0)47-308-8816
Key dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 30, 2013
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: January 15, 2014
Deadline for Early Registration: March 20, 2014
Annoucement of the Symposium
Further information on the Conference website