International Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection BVS-ABR: "Challenges for Radiological Protection for the next 50 Years".
Symposium topics
- The evolution of guidance and regulations in a changing society
In a near future, both the European Commission and the IAEA will publish their new Basic Safety Standards. This will now cover all exposure situations, including emergencies and existing exposure situations resulting from natural radiation sources.
- Societal issues in radiation protection
In many countries, ionising radiation and radioactivity are perceived negatively by the population, which at the same time sees no harm in their use for medical applications and is not aware of the exposure to natural radiation sources. The evolution of nuclear energy production is country-dependent, and the perception of radioactive waste remains an issue. Topics open for debate: stakeholder involvement, ethics, perception and decision making, communication and information, transparency
- The impact of medical applications of ionising radiation, present situation and future trends
Medical exposures to ionising radiation are increasing worldwide. One may wonder whether the justification and optimisation approaches are systematically implemented in daily practice. New issues such as patient doses from hybrid imaging systems, eye lens doses received by medical staff etc. also merit discussion and debate.
- Lessons learnt from incidents and accidents (medical and nuclear sectors)
The lessons learnt from Fukushima and from the Chernobyl contaminated areas, more than 25 years after the accident, are of significance to policy makers. Less known are accidents in the industry, mainly in radiography, and in medical therapy. What lessons can be learnt? How to avoid accidents? How to deal with contaminated areas?
- How to raise interest of young people for radiation protection?
In many countries, the interest of youngsters in scientific studies is limited, and multidisciplinary sciences such as radiation protection have even more problems to attract people. How to make radiation protection attractive? What Education/Training is needed?
Symposium website:
Important dates and deadlines
1 Oct 2012 First announcement and call for abstracts
20 Nov 2012 Deadline for abstracts
20 Jan 2013 Notification to authors
15 Feb 2013 Deadline for early registration
1 March 2013 Second announcement and final programme
8-10 Apr 2013 International symposium