The Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare organized an International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity - New Frontiers and Developments. The Conference took place in Rome, Italy, from 25 to 27 October 2010.
SOON AVAILABLE : Accepted papers, presented at the Conference will be published in a peer-reviewed journal, as a special issue of the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, as well as in the Conference Proceedings.
The Environmental Radioactivity plays an important role in several research fields and human developments. The International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity - New Frontiers and Developments was a forum for reporting research results in Environmental and Earth Physics, Health Physics, Nuclear Metrology and Nuclear Nonproliferation, operations, performance, detectors and new developments. The Conference offered plenary talks and oral presentations by distinguished speakers working at the frontiers of this field.
Poster sessions were organised on the Conference topics, similar, or in addition, to those included in the oral sessions. Poster presentations were grouped together that permited informal group discussions during the sessions.
The Conference has reviewed recent developments and trends in environmental radioactivity which have been associated with wide range of multidisciplinary research carried out in natural, life and technical sciences. It provided a forum for presenting new ideas which could have impact on future environmental research.
Specific topics :
- Environmental Physics
- Radioecology
- Nuclear Metrology
- Nuclear Nonproliferation
- New Analytical Technologies
Contact Persons
Prof. Wolfango Plastino, University of Roma Tre, Dept. of Physics - National Institute of Nuclear Phisics, Section of Roma Tre
phone: +39 06 5733 7277. e-mail:
Prof. Pavel Povinec