CERAD Radioecology courses

CERAD Radioecology courses

[ Norvegian University of Life Sciences, 10-26 January 2018 ]

CERAD (Centre for Environmental Radioactivity) of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), offers intensive courses in Radioecology (5 ECTS) and Experimental Radioecology (10 ECTS). The courses run in parallel over 3 weeks from January 10th to January 26th, 2018.

Location: NMBU (Campus Aas), 30 min by train south of Oslo.

During the courses, students will obtain knowledge about:

  • Radioactive sources and understand the transport of radioactive substances in various ecosystems with special focus on physico-chemical forms (speciation) and their influence on mobility and biological uptake
  • The basis for environmental impact and risk assessments and be able to conduct radioecological studies using tracer techniques, radiochemical separation techniques and advanced measurement methods
  • Environmental impact and risk assessments and the use of effective countermeasures, i.e. competence that is needed within national preparedness associated with radioactive contamination
  • How to prepare and deliver effective oral and written presentations of technical information and scientific results.

The main course being already in January, there is a rather short deadline to register as guest student (October 1st).

Further information about this main radioecology course:


  • To apply for admission to the courses please contact Ole Christian Lind olelin@nmbu.no to obtain a registration form.


CERAD Radioecology courses

> CERAD offers a variety of courses whole year round


> ChNPP field course in Ukraine, June 2018

CERAD is co-organizing a field course in Ukraine on June 2018. The aim of the course is to obtain practical skills of working in radiation-contaminated territories like Chernobyl exclusion zone (ChEZ), through solving actual problems in radiation ecology.


Professionals / Scientists