
List of documents 163

XXXVIIth General Assembly of IUR - via internet

Due to a lack of events gathering sufficient number of IUR members in 2015, decision has been made to hold the IUR General Assembly XXXVII via internet electronically, since a corner stone General Assembly will be made possible to be organised in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Radioecological Concentration…
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Conference Announcement - ICRER 2017 Conference

[ 3-8 September 2017 Berlin, Germany ]
Upcoming Event
After the success of the previous events held in Bergen, Norway in June 2008, Hamilton, Canada in June 2011 and Barcelona, Spain in September 2014, the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) and the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) are pleased to announce that the 4 th…
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Conference Announcement - Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016

[ 22– 26 May 2016 - Chiba-city, Japan ]
Upcoming Event
The meeting provides a forum for the exchange of information about Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences research projects and related equipment. Among the different sessions, an International session dedicated to radionuclides dissemination is scheduled: “Fate and transport of radionuclides in atmospheric, marine, aquatic,…
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Conference Announcement - SPERA-2016 and SERIR-2, joint conference

[ 5-9 September 2016 - Bali, Indonesia ]
SPERA-2016 and SERIR-2  - from 5 to 9 September 2016 - Bali The 2nd International Conference on the Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation (SERIR-2) and the 14th Biennial Conference of the South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association (SPERA-2016) will be held in Bali, Indonesia 5-9 September 2016. The…
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Election results Announcement - The new IUR Board

[ For 2015-2018 ]
Following the election process that took place during the summer this year, we are now able to announce the composition of the new Board of Council general of IUR for the term 2015-2018, as it evolved from your votes. As per the rule mentioned in the IUR our Constitution, the voting process was restricted to members compliant with payment…
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Building radioecological knowledge in arid regions - Call for interest

[ Co-Chairs: Gabriele Voigt ( & Natalia Semioshkina ( ]
Whilst sufficient information about radionuclide behaviour and interaction with environments in temperate regions has been published and is available, there is little information on radioecology in arid areas. In order to be able to face potential deleterious impact of radioactivity accidentally released into such regions, it is important…
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Professionals / Scientists