New European legislation on the protection of personal data has recently entered into force throughout Europe to make sure that all companies and associations are protecting their customers’ and supporters’ personal data, and respecting their choices in the communications they receive. We wish to recall that we are fully committed to ensure adequate control of your private data and recovering its ownership.
You can be confident that any information you provide us with is kept safe and secure. But meanwhile, improvements can still be made especially by using modern tools, and we will be able soon to provide you with detailed information about the use of your personal data in our private policy.
Emails - We periodically send out messages to you. Email is the main communication tool for our society. Our e-mail communications allow us to keep you up to date on all of our actions and latest news in the field of radioecology. To ensure you get the most out of your IUR account, we would like to continue sharing important IUR announcements, such as meetings, new services, activities with relevance to your field of work, or other information that we think you may find interesting using the email address that you have provided.
- Membership Directory - IUR members have access to the membership directory.
The protection of your data is of paramount importance to us. If you have any questions about our privacy statement or emailing preferences, or you want to pull out at any time, you can email us at
Thank you for your trust and support of IUR!
The Board of IUR