XXXIXth General Assembly of IUR

XXXIXth General Assembly of IUR

[ via Internet ]

Due to some logistic difficulties, the Executive Board of IUR has decided to hold the IUR General Assembly XXXIX (reporting on the year 2016) electronically via internet, since a corner stone General Assembly will be made possible to be organised next in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Radioactivity in the Arctic & other Vulnerable Areas, 18-20 June 2018 (link). This has proven to be successful several times already in the past years.   

The IUR General Assembly XXXIX via internet consists of :

- the Report by the President on the main achievements and activities conducted during 2016 (download PDF),

- together with the financial report.

The Board welcomes comments and questions from active IUR members over the period.

Comments, if any, on the financial report are welcome until the 15th of February 2018, after which it will be considered as formally adopted.

Professionals / Scientists