The 14th Biennial Conference of the South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association (SPERA-2016), organized jointly with the 2nd International Conference on the Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation (SERIR-2), was held in Bali, Indonesia 5-9 September 2016.
IUR, has arranged an IUR Regional Forum Strengthening Radioecology in the Asia-Pacific on September 4th as an opportunity for international and regional stakeholders to identify key programs of work that are already underway or planned, to discuss the harmonisation process, to optimize the identification or key research priorities, to avoid gaps and duplications, to promote efficient exploitation of existing infrastructures, to support harmonised and coherent regulatory developments, and the development of well-informed, balanced, and adapted consensus, whilst meeting the specificities of problem-oriented or regional objectives.
Further information and presentations: