The current IUR Board of Council is now reaching its term. As per the current constitution, it will remain in force until a new Board is elected. In consequence, the Secretariat is now engaging the procedure necessary to organise the election for establishing the next Board of Council.
The Board of Council is composed of 2 components, the Board of Council General (6 members to be elected from the overall membership among which 4 are forming the Executive Board of Council), and the Board of Council Regional (6 regional coordinators to be elected regionally).
- The first step of this procedure which is engaged now is the election of the Board of Council General.
Presentation and declaration of intentions are downloadable below (NB: the candidates are listed in alphabetical order and the sequence indicates no preference).
The secret ballot vote from July 3rd, to September 15th, 2015 (extended) open to voting members (IUR members compliant with their regular annual membership fee) for choosing the 6 members (among 7 candidates) of the new Board of Council General. The procedure ensures that the vote of any individual member is unique and confidential.
All IUR members are invited to take part in this election provided that they have cleared the payment of their annual membership fee. (Would this not be the case, the voting period is ample enough to allow clearance, and finally access to voting member status).
The invitation is sent by email to voting members with a link to the voting website and all related instructions. Any vote will be authenticated electronically, based on the last email address that you declared when registering to IUR and getting access to the web site.
If you have not received the dedicated email or renewed your membership meanwhile, please contact Armelle ( to ask for.
- The second step to be organized at a later stage will be the election of the 6 Regional coordinators forming the Board of Council Regional.