The website EcoRadMod ( was created by Sergey V. Mamikhin, Dmitry V. Manakhov at the Department of Radioecology and Ecotoxicology of the Soil Science Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The website contains a bibliography on radioecology, radiobiology and radio ecological modelling, some of the articles and monographs in pdf- or djvu- formats, as well as electronic educational textbooks, registration database of users and a memorial page.
To illustrate the application of the method of mathematical modeling in radioecology the site have access to the download retrieval of demonstration versions of several of radioecological models with English interface, which were created at the Department. The main educational part of the site is realized in Russian language.
English part of site EcoRadMod is intended mainly for the extension of contacts with the users who are not owning Russian. We shall be grateful for sentences on development of site and any materials for site in English. You can dispose here papers, monographies, resume, links and other materials concerning to radioecology.
We ask to send them on the address: