Training Courses

Courses in Radioecology (MSc and PhD level)

[ 10-27 January 2017 - Åas, Norway ]

The CERAD (Centre of Environmental Radioactivity), Centre of Excellence based at NMBU, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), organizes Courses in Radioecology (MSc and PhD level) from 10th to 27th January 2017, in Ås, Norway

1. Experimental radioecology
2. Radioecology


After the course the students should have an overview over radioecology and be able to conduct experimental radioecological studies. In order to accomplish this they need to acquire knowledge of:

• Radioactive sources and understand the transport of radioactive substances in various ecosystems with special
focus on physico-chemical forms (speciation) and their influence on mobility and biological uptake
• The basis for environmental impact and risk assessments and be able to conduct radioecological studies using tracer techniques, radiochemical separation techniques and advanced measurement methods
• Environmental impact and risk assessments and the use of effective countermeasures, i.e. competence that is needed within national preparedness associated with radioactive contamination
• How to prepare and deliver effective oral and written presentations of technical information and scientific results.

The students will learn to think critically and solve complex and multidisciplinary problems, as well as learn to accurately interpret current research literature.

Program and more information

Arrangement, Credits, language
The courses run in parallell over 3 weeks (Jan. 10th- 27th, 2017) in Aas (30 min by train South of Oslo), Norway. Lectures and 4 laboratory exercises are the same for the 2 courses. The course Radioecology (5 ECTS) only requires participation in the laboratory work and a short lab report form, whereas the Experimental Radioecology (10 ECTS) includes an extensive lab report and a term paper.

All teaching will be in English.

Admission Requirements
In order to apply for admission to join the courses please contact Ole Christian Lind ( to obtain a registration form.
Pre-Registration/Intention to participate deadline: As soon as possible.

Deadline to register and apply for admission as guest student: December 1st, 2016.

Professionals / Scientists